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version française
my "Cubic Saturation Principle"
"No physical system can indefinitely grow
exponentially, since ressources needed for this growth are available only as a
cubic function of time because of the limitation in propagation velocity."
- A nuclear chain reaction is exponential only for a very short time. Then,
the reaction goes on as a cubic when the neutrons front wave propagates in
the fissile material at its own speed..
- Living organisms having all the feed they need grow exponentially, then
their growth is limited by a cubic (or quadratic if they live on a surface)
b the velocity they're able to propagate in their living space.
- One day, the power of computers which grows exponentially according to
Morre's Law will only depend on the computer size.
- Let's suppose Mankind conquers space at lightspeed and keeps growing by
doubling each century. In about 5000 years, we could no more find new
planets to conquer at a sufficient rate. In fact, the saturation would be
quadratic, because the thickness of the Galaxy would already be occupied and
the propagation would occur only on a cylindric surface.
Extra-terrestrial life forms are aggressive:
- Life forms grow exponentially when the required ressources are available.
- A species with limited growth is threatened by any other with a faster
growth rate.
- To increase their numbers, living beings must propagate in their
environment, which can be done only at limited velocity, in the best
case at lightspeed.
- They also need energy for their own life and for their reproduction, which
means for their interstellar travels too.
- Inside the sphere of stellar systems thez control, they cannot afford
living beings who compete for these ressources.
- If they deliberately chose a zero growth, they must be extremely discreet
to aboid being detected by an expanding species..
- Consequence of the consequence : the SETI program is stupid :
intelligent extra-terrestrial life is very careful not to be detected and
our own signals are sucidal.
version française