16, Ch. des Courtines
1242 Satigny
+41 (0)22 753 4138
Philippe Guglielmetti

Personal data
Married, two children
Swiss citizenship, soldier
Born December 25th 1963 in Martigny |
Contribute to grow a small high-tech company with an
entrepreneurial spirit.
- Identifiy customer needs.
- Manage innovation, from idea to product.
- Solve challenges attached to growth.
- Management of small R&D, multidisciplinary projects. Knowledge of management
techniques, finances, marketing and industrial production techniques.
- Scientific research, ability to learn quickly . Excellent background in many scientific
and technical fields.
- Top-level knowledge in dynamics, process control, robotics, computer science,
structural mechanics, mechatronics, and "electric discharge machining" (EDM).
- Excellent computer skills : many programming languages, OS, Internet, many various
application softwares.
Postgraduate master in "Management of
- 1998 EPFL + HEC Lausanne + University of Texas at Austin
PhD, Science
- 1988 - 1994 Institut dAutomatique EPFL Lausanne
Graduate, Computer Engineering
- 1983 - 1988 EPFL (Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne)
- 1978 - 1983 Collège de lAbbaye St-Maurice
Professional Experience
1999 DynaBits, Satigny
- Start-up
- Partnership and funding
- Market study for high-tech products
1994 - 1999 Charmilles Technologies, Meyrin
Process Control Engineer
- Re-engineering of the machines production "final check" division. Let to 2
days reduction of the throughput time, which spares close to 1M$/year.
- Benchmarking of the "final check" division in the three main production
- Technical management of an advanced R&D project on a entirely new small EDM machine
for micromachining. This project was led in collaboration with the
"Microtechnics" Department at EPFL, with swiss government support WZMO
- "Internal consulting" on EDM process control, machine axis control. New
control and geometry algorithms were developed and implemented. Contribution to the
choice of a new CNC system.
- Scientific collaboration on a R&D project on advanced friction modelling and
compensation techniques.
- Introduction of modern software tools such as Matlab+Simulink, LabView. Development and
implementation of specific applications based on these tools for performance quality
- Design, construction and application of a very stiff 3D force sensor with optical
measurement for internal purposes. This project introduced some advanced concepts in
the company, such as flexible parallel structures, interferometry, finite elements
analysis ...
- Support to customer service, some difficult problem solving at customers.
- Tutorials for continuous education of engineers.
1988 1994 Institut dAutomatique EPFL Lausanne
- Research project on dynamics of fast parallel robots, with application to the Delta
robot. This project, funded by the Swiss National Fund, led to the PhD thesis.
- Software development for a laser measuring device. Contract from Gillèron Electronique
SA, Morges
- Development and TI DSP implementation of an auto-tuning controller for a motor driver.
Contract of Socapel SA, Penthaz (Now Atlas Copco)
- Coaching of numerous student projects on various topics.
- M. Kocher and Ph. Guglielmetti "Modelling and Simulation of an EDM Die-Sinking
Machine", 1994, Proc. ISEM XI, Lausanne
- Ph. Guglielmetti, R. Longchamp, "A Closed Form Inverse Dynamics Model of the Delta
Parallel Robot", IFAC Symposium on Robot Control, Capri, pp.51-56 (September
- Ph. Guglielmetti "Model-Based Control of Fast Parallel Robots : a Global Approach
in Operational Space", 1994, thèse no 1228, EPFL Lausanne
- Ph. Guglielmetti and R. Longchamp, "Task Space Control of the Delta Parallel
Robot", IFAC/IMACS/IEEE/IUTAM Workshop on Motion Control for Intelligent Automation,
Perugia, Italy, pp. 337-342 (October 1992).
- Ph. Guglielmetti, R. Longchamp, "Real-Time Identification of a Robot Manipulator
Using a Neural Network", IEEE Int. Workshop on Intelligent Motion Control, 20-22
August 1990, Istanbul, Turkey
Internships and independent activities.
- Military activity by Swiss Armament Group, Bern in 1994, 1997 et 1998. Development of
LabView tools in signal processing and device testing.
- Development of PC softwares for civil engineering in 1987. First (?) finite element
software that used expanded memory of the PC-AT...
- Internship by Ciba Geigy Monthey, 1986. Development of experimental control setups for
- Medical cabinet management software development for Philsoft, Epalinges, 1985
- Computing Teacher at Collège Champittet, Pully, 1984
- Salesman in microcomputer shops : TRS-80 by Miniper (Pully), then Commodore, Apple II
and Mac by Computerlove (Martigny) , summers 1980-1983
- French : mothertongue
- English : fluent
- German : basic (need practice...)
- Italian : basic
- EDM Die-sinking operator (CT basic course)
- Cambridge First Certificate (English)
- Offshore sailing swiss license
- PADI Open Water (Diving license)
Informal activities
- Editor of the Microclub newsletter, a computer club born 25 years ago at EPFL
- Internet sites webmaster
- "Winter Sports & Orgias Chief" (orgia=party...) at Institut d'Automatique,
- Actor at CT company theatre show, 1996
- Travelling
- Sailing, Diving, Skiing
- Computers
- and much more!
- Léonard Gianadda, Fondation Gianadda, Martigny
- Roland Longchamp, Professor EPFL
- Bernard Bommeli, General Manager, Charmilles Technologies
- Pascal Couchepin, Cons. Fed, Martigny (yes! he knows me...)
version française